Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Sharing blessings...

Read an article last weekend in one of the major newspapers here in Manila. A successful businessman with humble roots was telling a story of how he kept on complaining that his family depended so much on him not only for the basic food, shelter, clothing but for their child's tuition etc.

It came to a point when he was so angry and frustrated that he realized he was better off than these people. He was blessed, and still is. From another point of view, he doesn't just give...he shares it willingly...

In reading this, I began to reflect on how I'd tell close friends of my "complaints", almost 10 years of being employed and not much of what you can call savings, assets etc....

But then again, the businessman was right, I'm blessed and I share it. I share whatever I can, sometimes leaving only what I need to get to the next payday. I am not alone, I know that. And I'm very impressed with a friend whom I've never heard complain...never.

Tonight, mom will get her semi-monthly funding from me, and I hope and pray that someday, my brothers and sister will do their share too...hehehe

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